lombok mountain

rinjani moutain

       Gunung Rinjani in Lombok is named. Mountain which is also a place of recreation, especially for people who love to climb, in addition to its beauty as well, shingga many are interested in there, to enjoy the beauty of the mountain. Like the people in the area, and people outside the region, especially those foreign countries.
        the fundamental attraction of this mountain is the beauty beneath the mountain itself, and on the mountain. What else is there on the mountain lake, the lake segare children. Thereby providing its own beauty to the mountain.

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Senggigi Beach Lombok

senggigi beach
   Senggigi beach is one of the famous beach in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, which is located on west Lombok. This beach is in the interest of the people who travel, whether it is the people of the region itself, as well as people outside the region. Moreover, foreign people or western people ..
its very obvious beauty looks like the picture above, even more with white sand that looks like the picture, the beauty of this beach is very interesting .. Western so many who visit there.

   Besides, facilities for lodging in this sengigi very adequate, good hospitality and places to eat like lestoran, swimming pool near the inn so that newcomers can enjoy all the facilities needed. And very satisfying. As the picture below.
swimming pool


hotel sunset

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